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Category: Articles

Exegetica 24

Available on From the Preface: Exegesis, in its purest form, produces an accurate exposition of the text of the Bible. It involves the analysis of the historical, cultural, linguistic, and literary contexts surrounding the sacred text in order to understand its meaning. It seeks to uncover the original message…

ChatGPT evaluates Daniel Unsealed

I asked ChatGPT to summarize the reviews of my book Daniel Unsealed that have appeared online. Here’s what it came back with: Daniel Unsealed takes readers on a captivating journey through the enigmatic time-specific prophecies in the Book of Daniel, offering fresh insights and interpretations that challenge conventional understanding. Dan…

The Messiah of Israel

Available on From the Introduction: The Book of Daniel was recorded by the prophet and seer Daniel while the Jewish people were in Exile in Babylon circa 605-536 BCE. It was revealed to him by an angel, a messenger of God, and has been preserved in the Writings section…

Searching for the Serpent

Available on The movement to defend the inerrancy of the Bible has roots that trace back to the early centuries of Christianity. It gained significant momentum in the 19th and 20th centuries in response to challenges posed by modern biblical criticism and the increasing infiltration of liberal theology into…

The New Covenant of Jeremiah

The prophet Jeremiah revealed that God would one day restore the Children of Israel from Exile in Babylon to Eretz Yisrael and would eventually establish a New Covenant to replace the covenant mediated by Moses at Mount Sinai. Jeremiah wrote, “Behold, the days come, says the LORD, that I will…

Oppose Anti-Semitism

During WWII, the Nazis required all Jews to wear a Yellow Star of David on their chest. It was intended as a badge of shame. Today, the shame is with the people who are criticizing Israel’s defense of its people from further harm by Hamas. Astoundingly, many Americans and even…

Statement on the Gaza War

Several people have asked if the Gaza War currently underway was predicted in the Bible. Other than the generalized statement spoken by Jesus saying that there would be wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6-13), no it wasn’t. The Bible’s time-specific prophecy doesn’t work that way. Its purpose is to…

Science vs. Religion?

A reader who previewed my Bible chronology book emailed me about my views on the Young Earth vs. Old Earth controversy. In his words, he wanted to know if I believe, as he framed the question, “the Bible’s version of creation or science’s version of creation.” On this topic, I…