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★ Featured: Chaper 8, verse 14, was the Key!
- Free Bible Commentaries
- No, I am not a prophet!
- Shishak’s campaigns into Caanan
- Chronology in Rabbinic Judaism
- Once He Walked Among Us
- The Four Beasts in Daniel 7
- The Date of Creation
- Is Moses found in Egyptian history?
- Rosh Hashanah in Nisan or Tishri?
- Israel becomes a nation … again!
- The Voice from Heaven
- How many Israelites left Egypt?
- Covenant Confusion (Dan. 9:26-27)
- Why so much emphasis on chronology?
- The Book of Revelation
- The So-called Gap Theory
- The Wise Shall Understand
- Science vs. Religion?
- Liberation of Jerusalem 1967
- How long was the sojourn in Egypt?
- Isaiah 53 in the Tanakh
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