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Category: Exposition

The Supper in the Upper Room

The Passover meal featuring the eating of the Paschal lamb was commanded by God as a memorial to be observed annually by the Jewish people forever. (Ex. 12:1-14) As an observant Jew, Jesus faithfully celebrated Passover during his lifetime. The Gospel of John mentions three Passovers that occurred during the…

The Voice from Heaven

While re-reading the Book of Psalms, I ran across a prophecy that was at first puzzling, as follows: “And the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is judge himself. Selah” (Psalm 50:6) Has that prophecy been literally fulfilled and, if so, when and where did the heavens declare God’s…

The Moabite Stone

The Moabite Stone (aka Mesha stele in archaeological circles) refers to “Omri, King of Israel,” saying that Moab was oppressed by Omri and that Mesha won a great victory against his son. Mesha is mentioned in the Bible, “And Mesha king of Moab was a sheepmaster, and rendered unto the…