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Questions and Comments

 If you have questions about anything presented in my books and on this website, or if you believe that I have made a mistake in calculating the timeline for Bible history or interpreting the Bible prophecies discussed herein, feel free to contact me. If possible for you, I prefer to discuss these matters by telephone.

Start by telling me which one of my books you have read in its entirety. Then, focus on the single most critical mistake you believe I have made and present your arguments for why you think I am mistaken. Please refrain from asking me to discuss dozens of supposed mistakes all at once. Stick to one at a time. If you can convince me that I have made a mistake in that matter, we can go from there.

I don’t claim infallibility, but you do need to show me where I am wrong using only the biblical text and documented history. I will not be persuaded by your recap of what “Dr. So-and-So” may have written in his or her commentary or study Bible. I have already read and evaluated hundreds. Additionally, I am not interested in rehashing denominational differences on eschatology.

Please note that I do not research Bible chronology further back in time than the birth of Abram (Abraham). This means I avoid pointless speculation about the year of Creation, nor do I speculate about dates for future events, as Scripture clearly states we can sense eternity but cannot know the beginning or end of God’s work (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Remember that any correct interpretation of Bible chronology must precisely align with both the biblical text and documented history simultaneously. There is no room for equivocation, approximation, or guesswork since the Bible is a record of actual events that happened in real time. Thus, there can be only one unique timeline that yields a correct understanding.

Finally, if you do not believe that the Bible is inerrant in its chronological and historical details, we have no basis for a productive conversation about Bible chronology and chrono-specific prophecy.

—Dan Bruce, Author/Expositor

Email me at: [email protected]

Call me at: 770-922-1889
10am-10pm daily or Sunday after 2pm (Eastern Time)