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Good News for Jews Posts

One God or Three?

One of the hardest things to grasp about the nature of God is the idea of the Trinity. It is a stumbling block, especially for my Jewish friends who often ask me, “Doesn’t the Shema clearly say, Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is ONE? Then…

Our Videos

Some of you have requested simplified explanations of our interpretations of various prophecies. We are beginning to prepare key passages in video format (using Power Point) for viewing on our YouTube channel here  or select one of our latest videos below. 📹 Proof of God in Less Than 15 Minutes…

Living Life with God

There are four things you must do every day if you want to live a successful Christian life, and none of them involve giving money! Let me explain. I began reading books when I was two years old. Does anyone else remember the first book I read, The Little Engine…

Proof of God

Excerpt from my book Proof of God (Chapter One) “If you are skeptical about the reality of the Living God of the Bible, but open to the possibility that his existence can be proven with evidence that you can verify for yourself, then I welcome you to this book. It…

No, I am not a prophet!

From time to time, I get an e-mail from one of our readers asking me if I am a prophet, since I claim to be interpreting Bible prophecy. The answer is “No, I am not a prophet, that is, I don’t dispense revelation nor do I speak for God!” Almighty…