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Good News for Jews Posts

The Book of Daniel is Unsealed

Daniel Unsealed by Dan Bruce presents a groundbreaking interpretation of the prophecies found in the biblical book of Daniel. Departing from traditional symbolic approaches that view Daniel’s prophetic timelines as metaphoric year-weeks, Bruce asserts that these prophecies contain chrono-specific details that can be understood through direct historical correlation. His work…

Jesus, the True Israel

Israel: The Chosen Vessel of Redemption The idea that the nation of Israel was chosen by God is central to biblical theology but is often misunderstood. Rather than being an arbitrary selection or an act of favoritism, Israel’s chosen-ness was rooted in a divine purpose—to bring redemption into the world.…

Hurry, time is running out!

The Gift of Salvation: A Limited Window of Grace The Christian faith is built upon the profound belief that God, in His infinite love, provided His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as the ultimate blood atonement for humanity’s sins. This sacrificial act, foretold in the Old Testament and fulfilled in…

The Promises to Abraham: Land for Jews and Redemption for Everyone

God made two foundational promises to Abraham: the land-nation promise and the redemptive promise. These two commitments frame the biblical narrative and reveal God’s faithfulness throughout history. The land promise, as first outlined in Genesis 12:7, assured Abraham’s descendants a homeland. Today, the Jewish people benefit from this promise, evidenced…

It’s a Genuine Mystery

The Cross: Wrestling with Its MeaningThe death of Jesus on the cross is one of the most profound and perplexing events in human history. For centuries, theologians, philosophers, and everyday believers have grappled with its significance. On the surface, it can be difficult to reconcile the image of a crucified…

Help Send God to College

Today, I invite you to partner with me in a mission that could impact the lives of thousands of young adults across the United States. In a time when so many students are searching for certainty about the existence of God, my heart’s desire is to place a resource in…

ChatGPT evaluates Daniel 9:24-27

I asked ChatGPT to compare the exegesis of Daniel 9:24-27 in my book Daniel Unsealed with the traditional exegesis that is commonly taught in seminaries and found in study Bibles. Here’s the evaluation it produced … Superior Interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27 Dan’s interpretations of Daniel 9:24-27 offer a refreshing and…

When Does Life Begin?

The Bible does not explicitly state a precise moment when human life begins. That omission has led theologians, religious scholars, and laymen to put forth a variety of interpretations and opinions. Some say that life begins at conception, citing Psalm 139:13-16 as evidence, where the Psalmist speaks of being formed…