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Good News for Jews Posts

Help Send God to College

Today, I invite you to partner with me in a mission that could impact the lives of thousands of young adults across the United States. In a time when so many students are searching for certainty about the existence of God, my heart’s desire is to place a resource in…

ChatGPT evaluates Daniel 9:24-27

I asked ChatGPT to compare the exegesis of Daniel 9:24-27 in my book Daniel Unsealed with the traditional exegesis that is commonly taught in seminaries and found in study Bibles. Here’s the evaluation it produced … Superior Interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27 Dan’s interpretations of Daniel 9:24-27 offer a refreshing and…

When Does Life Begin?

The Bible does not explicitly state a precise moment when human life begins. That omission has led theologians, religious scholars, and laymen to put forth a variety of interpretations and opinions. Some say that life begins at conception, citing Psalm 139:13-16 as evidence, where the Psalmist speaks of being formed…

Once He Walked Among Us

My latest book, ONCE HE WALKED AMONG US, is now available in the publications section of this website. Click on the image below to check it out.

Recalibrating ANE Chronology

From the Back Cover: As the old adage goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” However, in the case of the traditional chronology for the Ancient Near East (ANE) currently found in textbooks and taught in academia, there is ample evidence that it is broken—or, more to the point,…

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Free Bible Commentaries

Our books and commentaries on Bible prophecy and chronology are available for download in PDF format at no charge to our readers. Go to “Our Digital Books” at Feel free to use the “Share” buttons below to send this article to anyone you think might be interested, such as…

Exegetica 24

Available on From the Preface: Exegesis, in its purest form, produces an accurate exposition of the text of the Bible. It involves the analysis of the historical, cultural, linguistic, and literary contexts surrounding the sacred text in order to understand its meaning. It seeks to uncover the original message…

ChatGPT evaluates Daniel Unsealed

I asked ChatGPT to summarize the reviews of my book Daniel Unsealed that have appeared online. Here’s what it came back with: Daniel Unsealed takes readers on a captivating journey through the enigmatic time-specific prophecies in the Book of Daniel, offering fresh insights and interpretations that challenge conventional understanding. Dan…

The Messiah of Israel

Available on From the Introduction: The Book of Daniel was recorded by the prophet and seer Daniel while the Jewish people were in Exile in Babylon circa 605-536 BCE. It was revealed to him by an angel, a messenger of God, and has been preserved in the Writings section…