Like the Apostle Peter, I can say, “Silver and gold I have not, but what I have I give you… in the name of Jesus Christ.“
I have been studying and researching the Bible for more than fifty years. I believe that the Lord has given me insight on some important and relevant-for-today prophetic portions of Scripture, in particular from the Book of Daniel, so that I can share them with the church (the worldwide body of believers).
You can download all of my Bible commentaries in PDF format at no charge (use this link: https://www.goodnewsforjews.org/store/ ). And, you can also help by telling others about this offer of free Bible commentaries.
For those of you who want a printed copy to share with your loved ones or pastor, my books are also available as print editions from Amazon (use this link: https://goodnewsforjews.org/our-books-on-amazon-com/ )
Finally, if you feel that this teaching ministry is worthy, please consider making a small donation. The ministry is financed by my limited retirement funds, so there is always a need for outside support. And, be assured, it will be greatly appreciated and wisely used. That I promise.—Dan Bruce