Once He Walked Among Us


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THIS IS A DIGITAL (PDF) FILEpaperback edition available here

Introduction: The Messianic Hope 1
Chapter One: A Messiah Was Promised 3
Chapter Two: The Exact Time Was Foretold 9
Chapter Three: The Six Signs Were Fulfilled 21
Chapter Four: The Covenant Was Confirmed 39
Chapter Five: Messiah’s Sojourn in Israel 49
Conclusion: Abraham Rejoiced to See It 65
Notes and Comments 71
Messianic Prophecies 79
The Book of Daniel 81
Letter to the Hebrews 83

From the Introduction …

The anticipation of a promised Redeemer has been a cornerstone of the Judeo-Christian faith for millennia. From the earliest chapters of Genesis to the prophetic declarations of the Tanakh (Old Testament), the Bible intricately weaves a tapestry of hope, revealing God’s redemptive plan for humanity. Central to that divine narrative is the figure of the Messiah—a savior who comes to deliver his people from sin and restore their relationship with God.

This expository commentary delves into the prophecies that foretold the coming of the Messiah, offering a comprehensive analysis of the texts that identified his nature, mission, and the precise timing of his advent. Through a detailed examination of the ancient prophecies, it uncovers the remarkable precision and consistency with which the Tanakh pointed to the Messiah, affirming the fulfillment of the prophecies in the person of Jesus Christ.

Predictive prophecy in the Bible reveals God’s sovereignty over history, offers hope to his people, and provides validation of his promises. By studying the Messianic prophecies, we gain insight into the divine orchestration of events and the unwavering faithfulness of God. The prophecies examined herein were not only given to provide hope for future deliverance, but their fulfillments also offer verifiable evidence that the promised Redeemer has already come.

The prophecies concerning the Messiah are multifaceted, encompassing descriptions of his royal lineage, humble birthplace, public ministry, suffering, and ultimate triumph. Some prophecies are explicit, while others are veiled in symbolism and require careful interpretation. Familiar passages such as Isaiah’s Suffering Servant, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, and the promises given to Abraham and David will be examined. Each of the prophecies contributes to a composite picture of the Messiah, highlighting both his divine and human natures, his roles as prophet, priest, and king, and his mission of redemption.

One of the most compelling aspects of the Bible’s Messianic prophecies is the specificity with which they predict the timing of his appearance in Israel. The prophetic timeline given in the Book of Daniel, particularly the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, provides an astonishingly precise prediction of when the Messiah would appear to the Jewish people. That timeline, coupled with other chronological indicators found in the scriptures, demonstrates God’s plan of salvation through the Messiah with remarkable accuracy.

The culmination of the prophecies as portrayed in the life, death, and resurrection of Messiah Jesus stands as a testament to the reliability and divine inspiration of the Bible as revealed to the prophets of Israel. By comparing the predictions in the Tanakh that describe the Messiah and his mission with the New Testament accounts of his words and deeds, it can be seen that Jesus fulfills each Messianic prophecy with exacting detail. That fulfillment not only confirms Jesus’ identity as the Messiah but also reinforces the trustworthiness of God’s promise of redemption to those who believe his Word.

This commentary invites readers on a journey of discovery, encouraging a deeper understanding of the prophetic scriptures and a greater appreciation for the intricacy of God’s redemptive plan. Whether you are a seasoned theologian, a curious believer, or someone exploring the Christian faith, the goal is to provide clarity, context, and insight into the remarkable prophecies that identified the Messiah and foretold his coming.