During WWII, the Nazis required all Jews to wear a Yellow Star of David on their chest. It was intended as a badge of shame. Today, the shame is with the people who are criticizing Israel’s defense of its people from further harm by Hamas. Astoundingly, many Americans and even some Christians have used the Gaza War to engage in blatant anti-Semitism. This has been especially prevalent on college and university campuses, and on social media. To show my support for my Jewish friends and the nation of Israel, as of today I will be wearing the Yellow Star of David shown above over my heart whenever I go out in public, and I will continue to do so as long as the Gaza War is underway and anti-Israel and anti-Semitic words are being heard. If you want to join this noble cause, feel free to print out a paper copy, trim it to size, and pin it to your lapel when you go out where people can see it. Good people should not remain silent when evil is afoot in the land.—Dan Bruce
Oppose Anti-Semitism
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